30 October 2010

Sewing Project #2 - Nursing Cover

Ok, I lied...forgot that I finished the nursing cover last night (after a knock-down-drag-out fight with my sewing machine at 12am with only 2 seams left to go).

I am so thrilled with how it turned out! Of course the perfectionist in me sees the seams that are less than perfect and the oops mistakes that I decided to let slide because I was fed up, but really, if anyone else is looking close enough to notice them I should be punching them in the face because that a little too close to be to a woman nursing a newborn...just saying :)

There is also no easy way to display a nursing cover without a person to model it...so work with me here...

Complete with boning in the neck :)  I'd been putting this project off for a while since the disappointment of the skirt, but it turned out exactly like I was hoping it would. Now I have my old one to use as a back-up and this one in a fabric that I actually like and hopefully won't get sick of in the next year. I also made it a little bit bigger, both in width and length so I'd have the extra to tuck around baby and lower the potential of getting it thrown off at the worst moment possible.  Taking out the time that I spent fighting with my bobbin, it only took about 2 hours and materials were less than $10...a definite savings and I got to pick out blue flames!

1 comment:

  1. Where was this idea 60 years ago??? It is just a perfect design. Making it of flannel is so cozy! Admiring Grandma G.
