11 April 2011

The Force is Strong With This One

There is a certain sort of pride that comes over me when I hear the Star Wars theme begin and a toddler voice start...Epdode Tree: Binge uh Sif...add in some unintelligable words sprinkled with "public, Jedi" and a few others, oh, and let's not forget "dot, dot, dot, dot" at the end of the rolling script . Although he doesn't seem to care for Episodes I and II, one of the final four are always on at some point during our day. Today he branched out and asked to watch the bonus discs, and he watched them. I dread the day when he asks to visit Dagobah or Kashyyk and I have to break his heart by telling him that we can't afford to take the trip. Yesterday he was singing his ABCs and we were treated to this version "A,B,C,...,W, X, Y, Yoda, Yoda, Y, T,U,V, W, X, Y, Yoda, Z" Even when we read his Bible, the first letter of each page is capitalized, larger font, and a color, he turns the pages and looks at each letter, saying out loud the Star Wars character that goes with it,"General Grievous, Pincess Leia, Pincess, Leia, Obi-Wan Nobi, Jedi, Jedi, R2". He can tell you what the Ugnaughts are good for, knows that Boba Fett is a Bounty Hunter, and that the Kaminoans are expert cloners. He has a bucket and a sword, but instead of a Medieval Knight in shining armor, he sings the Imperial March while the bucket is on his head and then removes the bucket to sing the Star Wars theme. Anything that can be swung about is a lightsaber. Goodness knows that he has thanked Jesus for just about everything in the Star Wars galaxy when we pray at night...

Jedi! (I was not allowed to take a picture of his Sith persona...)

I will admit that we have more than indulged and encouraged this, but he has latched on and absorbed so much more than I ever thought he would.  Maybe by the time he is old enough there will be real lightsabers and starships for him to master. Weirder things have happened....

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