02 April 2011

Sweet to Stinky...

We gave J oatmeal for the first time 2 days ago. We saw it again today.... My olfactory bulbs have now strongly reprimanded me for even thinking that anything other than breastmilk before he's fully potty trained might EVER be a good idea. Unfortunately there is no turning back now that the lovely bacterium has been introduced to his digestive system. So I have decided that Baby #3 will never experience solid foods until he or she is at least 3 years old, fully potty trained, and able to wipe their own rear. So let it be written so let it be done!

In all reality, it was time, he was soooo ready for solids and loves his oatmeal. I'm sure bananas will be a hit in the next few days and then we'll go from there. As his big brother has already introduced him to Lucky Charms, Oreos, Apple Jacks, and White Potato (incld mayonaise and milk) I think we will be able to move pretty quickly through food introductions and just start feeding him bits of our dinner very quickly. What do I do now that I have to share my dinner with TWO kids?

1 comment:

  1. Lol. This is one of the main reasons we haven't introduced Naomi to solids yet. I'm not looking forward to not being able to just dump the water-soluble breast milk poo-filled cloth diapers in the pail, but instead having to take them to the toilet to spray them out first...
