30 June 2011

The Milk Truck

If you thought nursing in public was bad, well, wait till The Milk Truck shows up. Yup, that's exactly what it looks like. A breast on top of an ice cream truck. The idea is that this truck will be in Pittsburgh for the 2011 Pittsburgh Biennial at the Andy Warhol Museum from September 26 - December 10. Anytime a nursing mom has an issue she can tweet or text, or otherwise contact the Milk Truck. The Milk Truck will then head to her location bringing along anyone it can reach through Twitter/Facebook/Word of Mouth etc., will park in front of the business discouraging breastfeeding, and roll out an awning and chairs for Mom and friends providing a place for Mom to relax and Baby to eat in peace.

I find the truck hilarious, I mean seriously, who is going to see this driving around town and not burst out laughing or at least crack a smile! I'm curious how much use it will actually see. I've personally never had an issue with anyone or anyplace while I nurse in public and although I am familiar with some women online or through blogs that have had an issue I'm just wondering how widespread public distaste for breastfeeding is in one city over just a couple of months, especially if the city businesses know that it's driving around waiting.

I'm also kind of hoping that the truck has a powerful heater, because last time I checked sitting outside in Pittsburgh in Oct/Nov/Dec wasn't on my list of top 10 fun things to do.

I definitely think that breastfeeding needs to become more culturally accepted in the US. I think this is definitely something that will get attention. I'm just wondering if it will really be as effective as it initially sounds.

What do you think? Would you want the Milk Truck to come to your city when it's done in Pittsburgh? Have you had any experiences where being able to call the Milk Truck would have been helpful?

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter so you don't miss out on any of the Milk Bubbles that just might make your day that much more special!


  1. I think this is hilarious, and I hope it does some good and doesn't just cause a scene. Breastfeeding in public definitely has a "taboo" feeling to it in the US, which is sad, but I feel like I have been on both sides of the fence. Back when I was younger and single (and more self-centered), it used to bother me when women would breastfeed in public, and to an extent, it still does -- here's why: I really think that women should find a quiet corner of the public room or building where they are, or go to the restroom if there is comfortable seating in there, rather than popping out their goods for all to see in the middle of a group of strangers. Some women just show way too much skin and do it to get attention I think. For me personally, when I was breastfeeding out at the mall, there were comfy chairs in the Macy's bathroom, the Dillard's bathroom, and couple other places too where I could go and have nice quiet, private-ish time with my baby while he ate. But even when he began taking his bottles, I still did the same thing. I would make sure to find a quiet place where he could eat in peace and I could take a deep breath and relax for a moment. Maybe I am just weirdly squeamish, but I think breastfeeding truly is a private moment between a mom and her baby, even if it is the natural way of doing things.

  2. Thanks for commenting! I think if the restroom has a lounge like the ones you're talking about, then that's a viable option. I find that my views are evolving as I'm dealing with managing a toddler at the same time as nursing, but I plan on doing another blog to address all those issues!

  3. Thanks for commenting! I think if the restroom has a lounge like the ones you're talking about, then that's a viable option. I find that my views are evolving as I'm dealing with managing a toddler at the same time as nursing, but I plan on doing another blog to address all those issues!
