22 August 2011

Name change? Twitter or Blog?

"Painting" water on green construction paper
I'm pondering again; like I tend to do every few weeks.

I'm planning on redoing the look of the blog again. I'm still trying to decide exactly what I'm going for, but I think I'm going to make it a lot more personal. The background and extras just don't feel right with what I'm normally writing... Hoping to get on that in the next couple of weeks.

So here are questions for ya'll:

1. Too many tabs^ should I stick with just About, Popular, and Contact for now? add a Blog Roll?

2. What are ya'll's opinions on wordpress.org? Any reason I should do that instead of the blog platform of my host?

3. I really like the name of my blog and I really like my Twitter Handle (@2SleepingBabies) but I'd like to get them to match...is the blog name "Milk Bubbles & Two Sleeping Babies" too long and unwieldy? Suggestions?

4. Anything that you would like to see that I haven't added or mentioned yet?

When I first started trying to personalize my blog I didn't really know what I wanted, I just knew what I didn't want, now I think I have a little more direction, but I would love as much input as possible! I'm mainly addressing the look of the blog right now, but I'm also very open to content suggestions...so tell me; What do ya'll want to see here?


  1. If you want to consolidate I would suggest a name change on your blog rather than your Twitter.

    If you change your Twitter handle, anytime someone goes to mention or direct message you they will miss because they are using the wrong name.

    If you change your blog name the only issue will be readers getting used to a new name at the top of the blog, if they noticed at all. And if you change hosting you will have to redirect your followers to a new URL anyway.

  2. Okay, I don't e-know you very well, but I will give suggestions since you asked:
    1. Yes, less tabs...maybe 5 total.
    2.  Personally, I don't like wordpress. I don't know why, I just don't. Everyone I know has blogspot or their own domain, so that probably has something to do with it.
    3. I like both names too, but it would be better for them to match. I'm going through the same thing right now- my blog is currently mynandluplustwo.blogspot.com, but my twitter is freshgranolamyn. In the next month or two, I'm going to re-name my blog for the same reson you stated. FWIW, milkbubbles is more  catchy to me.
    4. I don't know if you have someone to design your blog (or if you can do it yourself), but the girl who is doing mine does great work and has fantastic prices- jumpingjaxdesigns.com

    Good luck with your makeover! I'm so glad Faith posted a link to your blog. :)

  3. Thanks for giving me some feedback! I've just heard that Wordpress has great support, and I like that safety net, although I've never needed it....

    I'm doing mine myself right now, but thinking and looking at paid hosting and design maybe early next year, I'll def check your designer out when I'm ready. Thanks for the recommendation!
