13 October 2011

Does It Take a Village to Breastfeed?

I'm a soloist. Always have been really. I like to do things myself, my own way, in my own time. It may or may not be the "popular" thing but it's me and it's what I do.

SIDENOTE: And I wonder where Aedyn gets it from!?!?!

I am also an information addict. I would be enrolled in some form of class or program all the time if I had the money and enough hours in the day.

So you might guess that I'm not the biggest support group type person. I tend to get frustrated easily with people who have pat or textbook answers to questions and I get impatient trying to hold back all the knowledge and tidbits I've absorbed in all my research, reading, and Googling.

I admit I don't know everything. And honestly, that's why I go to La Leche League. I rarely go with questions because I've killed the internet looking for answers. I go to hear other mom's stories. To pick up on things that might help someone on Twitter or Facebook and conversely things I learn from my tweeps and blogs I pass on in real life.

Maybe that's why it's a support group and not a class. It's not all about learning new things and answering questions (even though that is part of it), it's about being there for each other, hearing stories, venting frustrations, and celebrating successes. Finding strangers who may become friends, smiling faces that are willing to listen and to talk.

Do you need a village then? On a physical level, maybe yes, maybe no. I successfully nursed Aedyn through problems without any sort of group, although I wonder if I had been in a support group it might have gone smoother at the beginning. But emotionally...

Emotionally, I really do think a village is vital. Maybe it's family members, maybe anybody but family members. A general breastfeeding support group, or a La Leche League group. Find someone who helps you feel sane, who reminds you that even though it may be difficult and frustrating, this too shall pass. You'll both be better for it.

Your local hospital may have contact information for Breastfeeding Support Groups in your area. You can visit La Leche League International for a directory of meetings in your area.

Where's your favorite place to get support? Facebook, Twitter, Family, Groups?

This is part of the Breastfeeding Blog Hop hosted by Life with Levi, The Slacker Mom, and Diary of a Devil Dog Wife. Check out some of the other posts in the hop and link up your own!

While you're here, check out and enter the FuzziBunz OS Cloth Diaper Giveaway ending Oct 18!


  1. I still haven't been to a LLL meeting but I really would love to go.

  2. I've never been to a LLL meeting, I think I would be too intimidated.  I do however have great Moms groups that have always been there to answer questions, listen to a vent, try and figure out a solution to an ongoing problem (3 months of thrush anyone?) and of course cry with me when things aren't going as well as we'd all hoped.  I do think it takes a village.  Mine just happens to be an iVillage.

  3. My favorite place for support has changed as I've grown more experienced with breastfeeding. In the beginning La Leche League was a crucial part of my breastfeeding success. I was 16 when my first baby was born, and I had literally no breastfeeding support at all. Without the amazing moms at my LLL meetings I may not have been successful, and certainly would not have had the courage to breastfeed until my daughter was THREE! Now that my 4th baby is one, and I've been breastfeeding 9 out of the past 12 years of my life I prefer online support groups more. I especially love the #BFcafe Twitter chat on Thursdays at 7pm PST. I still pop into the LLL meetings when I can, but more to offer support than receive it.

    Thank you for sharing this post, I hope you will check out my post at http://www.EcoCrazyMom.com and follow back. You can also add your blog to my "Blog Directory under the "Bloggers" tab if you'd like! I look forward to keeping in touch.

  4. You should find one! They'd love you, it's about so much more than just breastfeeding too...lots of babywearers and CDers in mine.

  5. Whatever kind of support you need is great! As long as you get it! I've never even heard of the groups on iVillage, I may have to check it out with my next pregnancy.

  6. That's a great point that you won't always need the same kind of help,  it will defnitely change as your knowledge grows!

    Following back, thanks for stopping by and commenting! Love seeing your tweets in #bfcafe :)
