18 October 2011

New Shoes!

One of the biggest upsides to Jake's promotion is knowing exactly how much we'll be getting per paycheck and when it will show up. Yay salary...I learned how to manage a tips/commission based budget, but it wasn't fun.

But the security that a salary check gives me actually means that I feel like I can allow myself a few things that I couldn't rationalize before. So without further ado, my nod to the current shoe fad and my fall flip-flop replacements...


  1. Yay for new shoes! Definitely one of my favorite ways to treat myself. Enjoy!

  2. It's funny how such a small thing can feel so exciting/liberating. Enjoy them! I can't wait to go shopping this weekend to pick up a new pair shoes too, even if they are for work. ;)

  3. (I swear Disqus is swallowing my comments! I shall try again) Yay for new shoes! Definitely one of my favorite ways to treat myself. Enjoy!

  4. Either that of Blogger is not sharing...this happens every little bit, usually if the comment was left via phone instead of computer. Was that the case with you?

  5. Yup, by phone, though now it has magically reappeared and I look like a crazy double poster. Such is life. 
