17 November 2011

Would You Like Some Cookies With That Breastmilk?

Best Non-Home-Made Cookies Ever!
Thanksgiving is a week away and the day after...well, the cookies, candy, treats, and chaos don't stop until New Years...or Valentine's Day.

I haven't even started thinking about how I'm going to deal with it this year...but I'll probably allow the boys way too many sweets. But they're only kids once, and how can I tell them "no" when I'm sneaking cookies behind their backs? Like everything else, we'll just have to figure out a balance.

While I really enjoy the Christmas season, it is stressful. Not necessarily a bad stress, but a different pace from the rest of our year. With us just having moved the boys have dealt with a lot of stress and change. About the time they get used to the new house, the holidays will be upon us and off we go again.

For Aedyn that means a TON of extra patience and cuddles. And trying to remember that all two-year-olds are just tiny lunatics. (Tonight he flipped out when I asked my dad to drive, then want to guess what happened when I sat down in the driver's seat? Yup, tantrum because T-COM wasn't driving.)

With Jaron I have a secret weapon. Mama Milk. I don't know what I would do if he weren't still nursing. When he's overstimulated from all the shopping or parties or just people. When he just needs some extra cuddle time. When he's cranky and nothing else Pleases him. When he's having a temper tantrum. And as a bonus, nursing him gives me a good excuse to sit down and take a break myself.

I've heard a lot of mention about accidental weaning over the holiday from the stress and business, but I really don't think that will be an issue for us, we'll just serve up Jaron's cookies with a chaser of Mama Milk!

Do you have any tips or ideas about what you'll do over the holiday season with your kids to make the craziness a little less crazy? What do yo serve your Christmas cookies with?

This post is part of the Breastfeeding Blog Hop hosted by Life With Levi, Diary of  a Devil Dog Wife, and The Slacker Mom, read more posts about holiday breastfeeding and link up here!


  1. haha that's awesome!! I think a lot of moms find it comforting too. A little moment of quiet during all the hustle & bustle. 

    Hope you'll join in again this upcoming Thursday for "I Am Thankful For..." I always enjoy reading your posts!

  2. Great article! Mama milk is definitely my magic weapon for the toddler emotional roller-coasters! I also always appreciate the excuse to take a "break" myself :)
