Welcome to Manic Mommy Monday! Every week we link up posts that are updates about us and what is going on in our lives. Everyone is welcome to link up (scroll down to find the linky) and you can find more information on the main Manic Mommy Monday page.
This week has been one that is very close to what I'd like to call normal.
I'm holding my breath because I don't want to jinx it. We had some definitely highlights, a visit/playdate with a friend who I haven't seen in years and who just moved nearby. Getting familiar with my new, upgraded sewing machine.
Some lower points, Aedyn's having a week of testing the boundaries (again... He has 2-3 weeks where he's a perfect angel, then weeks like this week and last week.), he's also going through a growth spurt and eating more than I can. Jaron is copying his brother's attitude, so we're trying to figure out how to teach him that the attitude/words is not acceptable while understanding that he is just copying what he sees and not necessarily exhibiting the motive behind it, obviously watching his brother get in trouble is not enough.
Jaron is weaning and potty training at the same time, NOT something we planned, it just happened that way. I finally got around to making him some training pants to save our rental carpet (tutorial later this week). And overall, he pitches a 5-15 second fit if he asks for milk and I remind him that Mama milk is for bedtime. Otherwise it's all good. And I decided that I'm going to let him continue to use the potty only when he asks until this next weekend because...
The Great Cloth Diaper Change (GCDC) is on Saturday! I'm co-hosting our local event and on top of not wanting to be running to the potty every half hour, I don't want to put him back in diapers just for the day.
Jake had a long week at work and it's felt like we haven't really seen him at all (a common problem, I know). Hoping that since the new kitchen director started this week that some of Jake's extra hours might dissipate once the new guy gets comfortable...maybe.
I'm working on a new project. I'm hoping to get everything squared away and up in the next month or so, but I will be doing a test run/sneak peek at our GCDC. That will help me decide how to go about launching an online presence. Any thoughts about Etsy vs HyenaCart vs self-hosting would be much appreciated!
Guess that's about it for this week, link up your own manic posts and join the hop!
If you want to hear more about my 2 (not always) sleeping babies and the rest of the family you can follow us on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter!
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