09 April 2012

Manic Mommy Monday ~ So, a Needle Pulling Thread

Welcome to Manic Mommy Monday! Every week we link up posts that are updates about us and what is going on in our lives. Everyone is welcome to link up (scroll down to find the linky) and you can find more information on the main Manic Mommy Monday page.

I'm pretty excited this morning.

A couple of weeks ago Jaron climbed up on our bar height table and tumbled off with my sewing machine...some days I love that my boys are fearless climbers, others, not so much. The machine was beyond repair, so I've been without one since. A couple people offered to let me borrow one, but I really don't like borrowing machinery, especially with what happened to the last one.

But last night my hubby gave me my 4th anniversary present early! A new and upgraded sewing machine! Heirloom stitches and a bunch of features. My old was what I needed it to be when I got it, but I outgrew the basic machine and this is perfect for right now!

Hoping a miracle occurs and both boys nap simultaneously today so I can play with it!

Happy Easter, and Happy Anniversary to me!

Speaking of Easter, we had a pretty good day yesterday. Much to my chagrin, Easter was under-celebrated in our house this year. Jake and I have both been exhausted and just in survival mode for the past couple of months. It was here before we realized with no big dinner and no dyed eggs and very little preparation.

I did try and work some Easter themes into what I would play and talk about with the boys. And they did have baskets and we did an egg hunt in the yard for them. They loved looking for eggs! Jaron had some help from the grown ups, found one on his own, and found a couple more in Aedyn's basket when Aedyn walked away from it for a minute. My little opportunist!

So, next year will be better!

Too much sugar? Surely not!

If you want to hear more about my 2 (not always) sleeping babies and the rest of the family you can follow us on Google+Facebook, and Twitter!


  1. Enjoy your early birthday present!  Last November, I did not own a sewing machine, but wanted one.  Then I found a Kenmore on Craigslist, the type I learned to sew on, so I felt comfortable buying it.  Little did I know my MIL had already bought a nicer one for me for Christmas-it too has a few heirloom stitches and is a Brother, but not the same one as you have.

  2. New sewing machines are the greatest, aren't they?  All their fun new buttons to push!!!  I found an amazing deal on an embroidery machine last year (or was it two years ago now?) and I am STILL learning all the functions!  Thank you ebay and lucky timing!!!
    I think low-key Easters can be some of the best!  I was feeling pretty cheap this year with our minimalistic (is that a word?) baskets and absolutely NO decorations.  We ended up having family over and had a very non-traditional menu and it was WONDERFUL!  Just about family.
    Good luck with your new machine!  And with synchronized nap time!!!

  3. I would love an embroidery machine next! or a serger... :) How awesome to get a great deal on one! I'm hoping we can stay out of the hectic pre holiday insanity every year, but I guess we'll see what happen as the boys get older.
