22 May 2012

Give Me A Hand! Or Two...2012 Flats & Hand Washing Challenge ~ Day 3

                                          Check out my thoughts from earlier this week:
Day 1 ~ Day2
Just in case you missed what's going on, nearly 500 people have decided to use only flat cloth diapers and wash those diapers by hand for this entire week! Crazy? Not really. You can read the reasons behind the challenge in this post from Dirty Diaper Laundry.


Ahh, Day 3. Flats. Handwashing. Challenge.


Chapped already. And no. I didn't learn from last year and use gloves this year. Fail.

Current bathroom sink fixtures
I had originally hoped that Jaron would be completely potty trained by this point, but thanks to me pushing him just a little too hard in a public restroom  he regressed from 90% trained to 40%trained. 

It has been nice though, because I've played around with my flat folds, so I'll have a few more folds that I don't have to actually think about when Baby #3 comes along.

Up until this week I've been a dyed in the wool Origami folder (Origami with leg contour/poop pocket tutorial). Love that fold! It's effortless and easy to fold right out of the dryer and store for later use.

This week I'm mixing it up a little with the Diaper Bag Fold (Video Tutorial). I'm not as thrilled with the extra bulk in the front, especially the way it looks under his clothes; but it's wonderful to have so many layers right where Jaron needs them when he's running around the house coverless.

Now for a secret. Flat diapers make amazing handkerchiefs.  Seriously. Toss one in your bag in the am and you're good to go for awhile, even with a kid who's brains are falling out with all the power of Niagara Falls!  They're also great to clean up spills and messes at home and while you're out and about.  If you dye them or purchase patterned or dyed flats then so much the better, cuteness factor! Even when we're done diapering I can't imagine living without my flats...yeah, I'm addicted.

Day 3 link up with Kim at Dirty Diaper Laundry!

Day 3 from last year!


  1. I definitely will be trying out that fold! What a great idea! 

  2. So true about the many uses. They are my husband's favorite burp cloth to drape around a spitty baby's neck and shoulders. Handkerchief, yep.

    I use prefolds for a lot of things too...rug under potty chair...rug for wet child getting out of the bathtub...quick spill absorber. I think I even mopped up some blood from the floor of a restaurant once.

  3. So versatile! Nice to know I'm not the only one who uses my diapers for a bunch of different things!


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