23 May 2011

Flats & Handwashing Challenge - Day 1

Ok, the final inventory for the Flats & Handwashing Challenge stands at:

Diapers -
    2 - cut to 27"x27" square 500ct Egyptian cotton sateen bedsheet
    2 - cut to square Flannel bedsheet
    2 - cut to square t-shirts (double thickness)
    1 - not altered t-shirt
    1 - cut to square 100% cotton terry cloth towel

Covers -
   2 - fleece scarves
   2 - cut to square rain poncho

Closures -
   2 - diaper pins


I will feature and review one diaper each day of the challenge.


First day of the flats challenge and we were out of the house all day long! Fortunately my friend Kerri's idea was a great one! Cutting down a rain poncho and folding it like a second diaper covered everything and provided that water proof layer I was looking for in order to go around without worries.

Origami folded flannel bedsheet diaper under kite folded rain poncho cover.
No leaks, trim fit. 2 pins used, one for diaper, one for cover.
The flannel bedsheet was VERY absorbent despite the copious amount of Downey that it has been washed in over the years. The rain poncho worked great. I normally use an origami fold, but since there was no need for a wet zone pad in a cover I branched out and decided on the kite fold. Must have been a good call because we had absolutely no leaks today. I wasn't thrilled that the poncho was directly on Jaron's skin around the edges of the diaper, I would have preferred a fabric lining, but it functions and functions well! My biggest concern was the diaper or cover shifting and allowing moisture to wick into clothing; that did not seem to be a problem for this combination.

You can check out Upping the Ante - Part II for how I'm using a fleece scarf as a diaper cover. We've had no leaks with that cover today either.

What would be your biggest concern about using "found" diapers?


  1. Wow! That is SO impressive AND you've helped me figure out my lack of flats problem!

  2. I cut up one of my husband's old t-shirts today, too. I cut straight across below the armpit/deodorant zone, and also cut two rectangles from the upper back/ upper chest for a doubler. It was really trim and absorbent!

  3. You are awesome!! How fun for you when that next person says to you, "I can't afford to cloth diaper."

  4. WOW! I am uber impressed at what you are doing!! Brilliant!
