25 May 2012

And The Battle Begins! 2012 Flats & Handwashing Challenge ~ Day 6

Check out my thoughts from earlier this week:
Day 1 ~ Day2 ~ Day 3 ~ Day 4 ~ Day 5
Just in case you missed what's going on, nearly 500 people have decided to use only flat cloth diapers and wash those diapers by hand for this entire week! Crazy? Not really. You can read the reasons behind the challenge in this post from Dirty Diaper Laundry.

It took 5 days. Five. And I've got issues.

Yesterday we were in Orlando all day, had a great time. Jaron pooped a couple times while were out and about and I tossed the diapers in a bag to rinse out and wash when we got home. 

In case you missed my post I decided to be a slacker and put off washing until this morning. But I did rinse them out and let them soak in a sinkful of water with a couple Tbsp of detergent.

The diapers are fine.

The cover on the other hand. I CANNOT get the stink out.

I'm sure the answer is going to involve vinegar or bleach, but how do you do that handwashing? How much? How long? How much is it going to destroy my hands or my nose?

Trust me, I thought about just waiting a couple more days and dealing with it in the washer. But this is a real issue that a lot of people are going to deal with. So not I'm bent on finding the answer. 

HELP! What ideas do you have? Are ya'll dealing with this too?


  1. I had the same stink problem with my covers and pockets. I made a paste of laundry soap and water and scrubbed the pockets and covers with a nail brush and a little of the soap paste – hand agitation
    did not get them clean!

  2. I used Blue Dawn to get my cover clean. I only had one that was an issue, but I had some Blue Dawn handy and thought "Well, people use these to strip diapers, so it must be sort of safe." Since I have a front loaded, I've never used Blue Dawn on my diapers before, but it worked well. My stink was around the elastic edges, so I just worked it with my hands for about 10 minutes...I had a scrub brush but was afraid that would be too rough on the diaper. Good luck!

  3. I'm having the same issue.  Just 1 cover was stinking yesterday.  I use a washboard and a little Sunlight laundry bar.  (Probably a no no, but at this point this week, I'm not really caring!)  Worked like a charm.  I found it rinsed out really well too.

  4. I use Blue Dawn to strip my dipes too, that didn't even cross my mind, thanks!

  5. I'll look into Sunlight for next year, so glad it worked for you!


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