27 May 2012

The End Of It ~ 2012 Flats & Handwashing Challenge

Check out my thoughts from earlier this week:
Day 1 ~ Day2 ~ Day 3 ~ Day 4 ~ Day 5 ~ Day 6
Just in case you missed what's going on, nearly 500 people have decided to use only flat cloth diapers and wash those diapers by hand for this entire week! Crazy? Not really. You can read the reasons behind the challenge in this post from Dirty Diaper Laundry.


It's the final day! Hooray!

I'm glad I participated this year and I learned a couple things that I didn't really think about in 2011.

#1 - I would gladly spend a dollar or 2 to take my diapers to a laundromat if I got behind on washing, or even once a week to reassure myself that they were truly clean. I'd machine wash, but still line dry.

#2 - Since I stay home with my kids it is worth it to wash each diaper as it is used. It was easier on my hands, and seemed to take less time. It also felt like I was able to get everything cleaner and I wouldn't have to worry about the stink building up as much.

**By the way, I wound up soaking my offending cover from yesterday's post in a bucket of water with 1/4 cup of vinegar for a few hours and then washing as normal.**

I'm looking forward to next year, while Jaron will be potty trained by that point, I'm hoping to have a newbie in cloth diapers and see how much that differs from a 6 month old (in 2011) and an 18 month old (in 2012).

So until next year, let us all value our machines while knowing that if they break down, WE CAN HANDLE IT!


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