29 May 2011

Nightly Fluff ~ Flats & Handwashing Challenge Day 7

We've made it! Day 7 of the week long Flats & Handwashing Challenge!

After my final handwashing session tomorrow morning I'll give a recap of what I've learned over and the few things that I wish I'd known.

Over the past week I've shown how I made a completely new stash of diapers and covers for $0. I've reviewed how each different type of diaper has done during the day. Today I'm going to give you a recap of our overnight experiences.

I used the flannel, sateen sheet, and cut down t-shirt diapers overnight. The towel and intact t-shirt were just too bulky to be covered.

The flannel worked great, until all the hand-washing brought years of soaked in fabric softeners to surface and it started repelling like no other. Come to think of it, it probably would have made a great cover!

The sateen was wonderful, very absorbent, and made it through the night with no problems. The same for the t-shirt.

9" wide scarf
Although I preferred the rain poncho covers during the day, the fleece scarf was superb for nighttime. I put up a tutorial on how to wrap the full scarf (9" wide) last week, but then decided to cut it in half to make two covers (2 x 4.5" wide). It worked ok, but I think 2/3 width would have been better (6" wide). How to wrap hasn't changed, just trimmed down alot of the bulk giving Jaron the rear-end of a bunny instead of a peacock.
4.5" wide scarf

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome, just wanted to say that! LOL
